Effect of viscosity and crowding on cytoskeleton dynamics: an in vitro and in vivo exploration.
A. T. Molines et al.
This talk was recorded for the Physical Properties of the Cytoplasm online seminar series, organized by Yuping Chen (Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Acadamy of Sciences), Jim Ferrell (Stanford University), Gabriel Neurohr (ETH Zürich), Jo-Hsi Huang (Stanford University), and Tomoko Oshima (Stanford University).
Website: link.
Manuscripts: Molines et al., 2022, Dev. Cell (link) and Molines, Edrington et al., 2024 (link).
Vast heterogeneity in cytoplasmic diffusion rates revealed by nanorheology and Doppelganger simulations.
R. M. Garner*, A. T. Molines*, J. A. Theriot, F. Chang.
*Co-first authors with equal participation.
This talk was recorded for the Physics of Life Symposium at the BioHub San Francisco, in January 2023.
Link to the manuscript.
Vast heterogeneity in cytoplasmic diffusion rates revealed by nanorheology and Doppelganger simulations.
R. M. Garner*, A. T. Molines*, J. A. Theriot, F. Chang.
*Co-first authors with equal participation.
This talk was recorded for the ASCB | EMBO meeting, in December 2022, in the "Physical Biology of the Cytoplasm" Subgroup that Rikki Garner and I organized.
Link to the manuscript.
Physical properties of the cytoplasm modulate the rates of microtubule polymerization and depolymerization
A. T. Molines, [...], F. Chang.
This talk was recorded for the ASCB | EMBO meeting, in December 2020, in the "Cytoskeleton and Cell Complexity" Minisymposium organized by A. Smertenko and M. Krendel.
Link to the manuscript.