Maître de Conférences
( a.k.a Associate Professor)
Teaching: Paris-Saclay University
Research: Institute of Integrative Biology of the Cell
September 2024 - now
Research interests: Interaction between the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton during cell migration, roles of the physical properties of the cytoplasm in the context of cell migration.
Department of Cell and Tissue Biology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Since February 2017 - today
Supervisor: Fred Chang (lab website)
Organism: Schizosaccharomyces pombe, moss, mammalian cells, spirostomum
Interests: Physical Biology of the Cytoplasm and Cytoskeleton Dynamics.
University of California San Francisco (UCSF),
Parnassus campus
523 Parnassus Avenue,
CA 94143, USA,
Institute of Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), Gif-sur-yvette, France.
October 2013 - november 2016
Supervisor: Frédéric Coquelle
Organism : Arabidopsis thaliana
Interests: Characterization of AtEB1 mutants and Microtubules Ogranization
Microtubules/endomembranes interactions by fluorescence microscopy
Representative roles : elected to the Lab board, elected to the council of the doctoral school.​
Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC)
Building 21
Avenue de la Terrasse
91190 Gif-sur-yvette
2023 - Best of Biophysical Journal - Biophysical Journal - Paper selected as Best of that year
2023 - Poster award - Gordon Research Conference - Stochastic Physics in Biology
2019 - Course completion - Marine Biology Laboratory - Physical Biology of the Cell Course
2018 - Poster prize - EMBO|EMBL Symposium - Microtubules: From Atoms to Complex Systems